Thursday, September 6, 2007

Apple's New iPods

Here are the gadgets Apple dropped yesterday:

Apple's CEO, Steve Jobs took pleasure in introducing the iPod Touch. This new iPod has the touch screen feature and WiFi of the iPhone. Essentially, it is an iPhone with no calling feature. Unfortunately it only comes in 8GB and 16GB. Watch him introduce it here.

Steve Jobs had many announcements for journalist on September 5th, like the price cut on the 8 GB iPhone from US $599 to 399. He also announced Apple will stop producing the 4GB iPhone, because .

Apple presented another version of the iPod Nano. This iPod has a bigger screen and it plays videos. It is available in 4 $G and 8GB.

The other product Apple introduced yesterday is the iPod Classic. This product is very similar to the iPod Video, but comes with an enormous 80GB or 160GB (40,000 songs)storage.

For more take a look at these pictures :

Engineering Watch

Sunday, September 2, 2007

First Man On Mars ?

1957, Russia sends the spacecraft Sputnik to space. Sputnik was the first unmanned spacecraft from earth to space.

April 12, 1981 Russia sends the first man to space. America, caught by surprise in this race to space took the lead by sending Neil Alden Armstrong in Columbia to the moon in 1969. The landing on the moon marked the pinnacle of American investment in the space program. Ever since, investment in the space program both in the US and Russia has dropped significantly.
The Russian space program went bankrupt. Now it is coming up slowly especially as they're coming up with new initiatives like the space tourism program, offering people flights to space for monstrous amounts of money (about US $ 20 million or so).

Vladimir Putin rekindled the race to space when he announced last week, that Russia plans to send a man to the moon by 2025, and latter on to set up a permanent base on the moon. He also mentioned they will possibly send a man to Mars by 2035. Like I say, only time will tell.

Take note that space programs are not popular because they are very expensive and not profitable. For more click here

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