Monday, July 23, 2007

Is the iPhone safe

Imagine a website that can take control of your phone. A website that can make calls from your phone, view your text messages extract any file and the list goes on. Check out this NY Times article.
This flaw was discovered by researchers working for Independent Security Evaluators. It took them less than a week to discover this crack. All it takes is to trick you to go to a certain website through WiFi connection. The site injects some code into the iPhone which in turn follows instructions like extracting text messages or making phone calls. More details available on this Youtube Video.
This shows apple softwares can also be vulnerable to worms, viruses or malicious softwares, but do not worry, as with windows, there is a patch that can fix this flaw. I'm looking forward to owning this phone as soon as its released in Canada. Can't wait.
A guide to hacking the phone can be found on Enjoy !

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